How Trauma Therapy Can Help You Overcome Infidelity in a Relationship: Tips from a Trauma Therapist

Woman taking off wedding ring

When a partner is unfaithful in a relationship, it can be very traumatic. There's broken trust, sadness, anger, and a whole range of other complex emotions that can make it difficult to move forward in the relationship. You know you want to work through these issues and heal, but you may not know where to start. However, there are ways to overcome infidelity with the help of trauma therapy.

How Can Trauma Therapy Help?

Trauma therapy can help assist you in exploring and working through your feelings related to infidelity, as well as helping you cope with the emotions associated with it. It also helps you learn about the negative cycle within the relationship that may have contributed to the infidelity. It not only addresses the need for self-care and self-esteem but also focuses on improving communication and resolving conflict in the relationship. Doing this addresses what you are needing, working on the conflict in your relationship, and helps mend the broken trust.

For example, if your partner has cheated on you, trauma therapy can help you explore the root causes of this behavior, identify patterns in your relationship that may have contributed to the infidelity, and work on communicating your feelings to your partner in a healthy way.

Why Not Just Marriage or Couples Therapy?

Now, you may be wondering why trauma therapy is a better option than marriage or couples therapy for overcoming infidelity, and there are many reasons. Couples are a great option for couples who want to work on the relationship and rebuild trust after infidelity, but trauma therapy can offer a more individualized approach that can help you explore the unique experiences and emotions surrounding the betrayal, as well as helping you heal and move forward positively.

It also offers you space to process who you are feeling, providing a safe and supportive environment to help you work through the pain of infidelity. You will do this without the presence of your partner so that you can focus on the sadness and hurt you are experiencing in your own way. But also, so you can decide how you want to move forward and what is best for you in the relationship.

Couple on a bed together visibly distanced from each other as a result of broken trust from infidelity. Trauma therapy in Arizona can help overcome the broken feelings and trust infidelity brings.

Ways Trauma Therapy Helps You Overcome Infidelity

Working with a trauma therapist can help you overcome the trauma of infidelity, heal from the pain and hurt associated with it, and move forward in a positive way. There are many ways that trauma therapy can help you heal from infidelity.

Trauma Therapy Will Help You to Identify the Needs That Were Not Being Met

Infidelity is hard for both partners, and there are often unmet needs in the relationship that have contributed to this decision. By exploring these needs with the help of a trauma therapist, you can identify what needs were not being met for you in your relationship. Once you have identified the issues, you can address them with your partner in a constructive way that is focused on improving the relationship rather than simply laying blame. Couples therapy is a great option to help you and your partner identify the negative cycle that both of you were in and learn how to connect with each other.

It Will Help You Work On Coping Skills

Trauma therapy will help you work on your coping skills. From relaxation techniques to reaching out to your support system, releasing pent-up emotions through journaling, and exercising regularly can all help you reduce stress and increase feelings of well-being. This way you can healthily process all your emotions and work through them without letting them get too overwhelming. It will help you work through this trauma. This can also help you in your relationship by improving communication and resolving conflict in a healthy way.

Allow Space For Each Person To Process Their Own Feelings

Infidelity can often trigger intense emotions such as anger, betrayal, sadness, and pain. By going to trauma therapy, each person gets to have the space and time to process their emotions individually. This can help you move forward positively as it allows you to focus on your own healing process. Then when you decide to share your feelings with your partner, make sure that both partners have space to process these emotions and share how they are feeling with each other in a healthy way. So, each individual feels seen and heard in their emotions.

hands reaching for each other with pink background

Infidelity is difficult in a relationship and can be traumatic for both partners. But the relationship doesn't have to be over. Sometimes, the trust that is broken is hard to come back from, and there may be the decision to end the relationship. It can be hard for both partners to rebuild trust after this kind of betrayal, but there is hope. Sometimes, what is needed to rebuild trust in the relationship after infidelity is individual and relationship therapy. Contact me if you would like to learn more about Trauma Therapy and how you can heal yourself.


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