Emotion Focused Therapy

Do you struggle to communicate how you are feeling effectively?

sad woman in window
  • Do you find yourself struggling to feel heard by your partner?

  • Do you feel as though you and your partner continue to have the same argument repeatedly?

  • Do you consistently feel disconnected and hopeless about how to feel close again in your relationship?

  • Do you feel like you just can’t get it right with your partner, no matter how hard you try?

  • Do you sometimes feel like you are not good enough in your relationship?  Or feel like you are failing in some way when you can’t make your partner happy?

Vulnerability in relationships can feel scary

Fear of vulnerability can develop from various sources, including past negative experiences, childhood upbringing, societal expectations, and cultural influences.  Traumatic events, such as betrayal or emotional abuse can significantly impact an individual's ability to trust and be vulnerable in relationships.

When someone has been open and honest about their emotions in the past, and they have received a negative or shaming response, they tend to have fear of being open again.  This fear of vulnerability can lead to difficulty in having deep connections with others in relationships.  

The fear of being open and vulnerable is very understandable if you have been hurt in the past, and while you may want to be open with your partner, you may struggle with knowing how to do it in a way that feels good.

Unsecure couple looking away

Many individuals struggle with vulnerable communication to create a connection

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While vulnerability is something that a lot of people speak about in a positive light, actually communicating in a vulnerable way can be difficult.  Many individuals did not have role models growing up who showed vulnerability, which means that you may be struggling to know how to be vulnerable and communicate your emotions effectively.  This is very common!

You are not alone in the struggle for communication in your relationship.  Communication issues are one of the main reasons couples start going to therapy because they want to feel heard and understood by their partner, although feel stuck in getting to the goal they want to achieve.  Sometimes it can be difficult to find the words to explain what you are feeling, making it hard for your partner to understand, which leads to a negative cycle of conflict that can feel defeating.

Those negative cycles can be tough to get out of when you don’t have the tools or knowledge of what is going on at the root of the issue, and how to communicate with your partner what you need to feel a connection.

Emotion Focused Therapy can help you connect on a deep level within your relationships

Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) helps people understand their attachments to others to improve their relationship.  It is based on the psychology of attachment bonds, which are created early in life and can affect us in adult relationships.

Emotion-focused therapy helps partners view undesirable behaviors of shutting down or anger escalations in a new way.  Couples learn to be emotionally available, empathetic, and engaged with each other, strengthening the attachment bond and creating a safe place between them.

Couples will learn to express deep, underlying emotions from a place of vulnerability and ask for their needs to be met in a new way that their partner can hear and understand.  This new positive cycle starts to change over time through Emotion-Focused Couples therapy which breaks down the barriers and blocks within arguments that couples typically have.

What to expect in a first couples therapy session

When attending your first couples therapy session using Emotion-Focused Therapy, your therapist will have both partners fill out intake paperwork identifying what each partner sees as the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship.  Your therapist will then meet with both of you to gather the history of your relationship, identifying attachment wounds that may have happened in your relationship, and the emotional hurt that each of you might be feeling.

Your therapist will also want to meet with each partner individually to gather history to assess the attachment styles of each partner and help identify why and how you might show up in your current relationship.  This will help the therapist better understand you, and also help your partner understand your emotional side of the street in the relationship.

Many couples struggle to communicate what is going on for them emotionally in a healthy way, and couples therapy using Emotional therapy is a great way to have a guide with a therapist who can assist you in speaking to each other in new ways and identifying the underlying issue that needs to be resolved to bring back connection.

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How Emotion Focused Therapy can help you be more open with others

Emotion-focused therapy helps an individual develop a deeper understanding of their own emotions, needs, and triggers in a relationship.  By becoming more aware of your emotional distress, you can communicate more authentically and express yourself in a way that promotes understanding and connection with your partner.

EFT works by exploring why individuals feel certain emotions and how this affects their interpersonal relationships in positive and negative ways.  It also helps improve the bonds and emotional connections with others, whether that be with their partner, friends, or family members.  EFT also increases compassion and empathy for their partner, as they learn and hear a deeper level of vulnerability from their partner that they may never have understood outside of EFT therapy.

But you may still have questions about Emotion-Focused Therapy…

How effective is emotionally focused therapy?

One of the benefits of Emotion Focused Therapy is that there has been extensive research on utilizing this approach for couples.  Some experts feel that EFT is one of the most effective treatments for couples’ therapy.  Research has found that EFT can improve interactions between partners and reduce the amount of stress that people experience in their relationships.

How long does emotionally focused therapy take?

The amount of time it can take to repair the disconnection in a relationship depends on the amount of hurt between partners, how long this hurt has lasted, and the ability to co-regulate when times are hard.  One thing to remember is that most likely it took years for you to get stuck in the negative pattern that you are in, so know that it will take some time to work on the reconnection and mending past hurt that has caused the struggles in your relationship.  Give yourself time and patience in the process..

Can EFT help with infidelity in a relationship?

EFT couple's therapy techniques for infidelity can help couples rebuild the loving and caring relationship they once had.  EFT helps the couple deal with the negative emotional cycles that create infidelity and trauma in the relationship.  It also restructures the bonds and empowers couples with positive interactions cycles over time.

EFT can also help with other more common struggles including communication issues, lack of intimacy, emotional distance, trust issues, fear, and emotional responsiveness to their partners in distress.

couple taking a selfie

You can improve your connection in your relationships

If you would like to schedule an appointment or discuss any questions you may have regarding emotion-focused therapy, contact us at 480-779-7426.  We try to get back to all voicemails and emails within 24 hours.

Emotion Focused Therapy in Mesa, AZ

4435 E Broadway Rd Ste. 3
Mesa, AZ 85206