Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable: How to Recognize the Need for Boundaries in Your Relationship
Knowing when to establish boundaries in your relationship is crucial for maintaining a healthy and respectful connection with your partner. There are several signs that may indicate a need for boundaries…
5 Reasons Men are Guarded in Relationships from an Online Therapist in Arizona
There are several factors that can prevent men from feeling comfortable being vulnerable in relationships. These factors are often rooted in societal expectations, upbringing, and personal experiences.
Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable: 7 Tips on How to Ask for what you need in your relationship
It can be difficult to ask for what you need in a relationship because it involves a big risk of rejection. Therefore, it's understandable why it can be difficult to ask for what you need in a relationship.
Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable: Letting go of Control in your relationship
In any relationship, there comes a crucial moment when we must ask ourselves a challenging question: How much control am I willing to let go of? Let's explore the benefits of letting go of control and the steps we can take to achieve a healthy balance.
7 Tips for Online Dating Success from an Online Therapist
In today's digital age, online dating has become an increasingly popular way to meet potential partners. Fear not, as we have compiled a list of tips to help you be successful with online dating.
5 Tips to Manage an Avoidant Attachment Style in Relationships From an Online Therapist
In this article, we will explore the characteristics of an avoidant attachment style and provide practical strategies for managing its impact on your relationships.
5 Tips on Managing and Avoiding Resentment In a Relationship From an Online Therapist
Having a healthy relationship takes work, and communication is key to building a healthy foundation within your relationship. If communication is lacking, this is where resentment can grow.
Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable: Vulnerability in Relationships
Rather than being a sign of weakness, vulnerability in relationships is an act of courage that can enhance trust, understanding, and overall satisfaction. Let’s look at Steps to Increasing Vulnerability in Your Relationship.
Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationship Characteristics
I want to discuss in this blog post the positive aspects of a relationship, the unhealthy aspects, along with what abuse can look like.
7 Dating Tips From a Therapist
In talking with my clients, dating is the hardest part these days, and finding the right person, especially through online dating, can be difficult. I wanted to offer some tips on how to find the right person, and things you can do to eliminate going on too many bad dates.
Attachment Styles and Their Role in Relationships
Attachment styles develop early on in life. There are four major attachment styles, anxious, avoidant, disorganized, and secure. Let’s take a look at each of these.
5 Tips For Building Trust in Relationships
Most couples will say that trust is something they are looking for in their relationship, and when trust is broken, this can cause fractures in the relationship that can be difficult to mend. What is trust?
How Trauma Therapy Can Help You Overcome Infidelity in a Relationship: Tips from a Trauma Therapist
When a partner is unfaithful in a relationship, it can be very traumatic. However, there are ways to overcome infidelity with the help of trauma therapy.
Reconnect With Your Partner: 5 Tips From an Online Relationship Therapist
Here are 5 tips that I recommend as a relationship therapist in to work on your emotional connection with your partner.